Sprout: Next Generation Systems Leaders for Child Safety and Well-Being

Update: First Round of Applications Closed

The first round of applications for the Sprout programme closed in May 2024. We are happy to announce that 20 youth Fellows from Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa will be onboard and start their learning journey in the coming months. 

What is Sprout?

In collaboration with our design partner School of International Futures (SOIF), and with the support of Oak Foundation, we are launching Sprout in 2024. Sprout is a transformative learning programme aimed at nurturing the next generation of system leaders dedicated to children's well-being and safety. The programme will take place from June to December 2024 and will consist of in-person and virtual sessions. As part of the Sprout journey, youth Fellows will be paired with established or senior practitioners in the field as mentors to spark intergenerational conversations and exchange of experiences.

Why Sprout?

Sprout emerges as a direct response to the need to broaden the lens on childhood sexual violence sector while promoting youth agency and fostering collective action. It provides a space to nurture systems leadership that mobilises innovation through coalition-building, fostering networks within and across systems to drive improvement and cross-boundary leadership.

How Sprout Nurtures Participants

Sprout offers a hybrid programme, integrating online sessions and one in-person meeting over a six-month duration. We'll learn, connect, experiment and engage virtually twice a month. Participants will benefit from:

  • Meaningful connections with next-generation leaders across borders. Engage in community-building activities, learn from peers and foster strong relationships within a global network of system leaders.

  • Capacity-building to amplify leadership skills. Hands-on sessions and peer-to-peer learning will strengthen essential skills such as systems thinking, futures thinking, advocacy, storytelling, and more to drive (even more) positive change within their communities.

  • Access to funding. Participants can unlock the potential to access seed funding for cross-cutting collaborations to bring projects to life. 

  • Intergenerational knowledge exchange and accompaniment from Learning Partners. Participants will be matched with a Learning Partner - Child Sexual Violence sector leaders, foresight practitioners, and survivors - bringing diverse perspectives and intersectional approaches. 

Ongoing Impact

2024 is a pilot year for Sprout, and we envision Sprout becoming an ongoing programme with a thriving alumni network, a growing support community, with the aim to plant seeds of positive change within their communities and beyond.

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